CN/CPKC Labor Dispute

Collective bargaining negotiations between CN, CPKC, and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference began in late 2023. Teamsters Canada Rail Conference represents 9000 railway workers at both CN and CPKC. The union voted in favor of a strike in May 2024, with a planned work stoppage occurring on May 22, 2024.

Given the scale and scope of a potential work stoppage, the Minister of Labour and Seniors made a referral to the Canada Industrial Relations Board to determine whether a work stoppage is permitted under section 87.4(1) of the Canada Labour Code. This section of the Code deals with the supply of essential goods and services. KAP sent a letter to the Canada Industrial Relations Board outlining our concerns with a potential work stoppage.

On August 9, 2024, the Canada Industrial Relations Board determined that a work stoppage would not violate section 87.4(1) of the Canada Labour Code and issued a 13-day cooling-off period before a work stoppage could occur. On August 18, CN and CPKC issued a 72-hour lockout notice to Teamsters Canada Rail Conference workers.

A lockout involving more than 9,000 railway workers at CPKC and CN began on August 22. KAP sent letters to the Minister of Labour and Seniors, CPKC, CN, Teamsters Canada Rail Conference, and Manitoba’s Minister of Agriculture.

One day after the lockout, the Minister of Labour and Seniors referred the issue to the Canada Industrial Relations Board for binding arbitration. The parties resumed operations after this announcement.

Categories: Provincial Issues
Tags: 2024