KAP works on a variety of policy issues each year that are important to Manitoba Farmers

Agriculture issues in Manitoba are diverse and impact different commodity sectors and stakeholders. Keystone Agricultural Producers works on a variety of policy issues each year. KAP is an evidence-based and solutions-oriented organization. Our policy positions originate from our grassroots process that include our 12 geographical districts and commodity group members.

Key Issues

Potential U.S. Tariffs

Carbon Tax and Fertilizer Emissions

Rural Crime

Manitoba Building Code

Supply Chain Network

Education Property Tax on Farmland

Labour Shortages

MELT Funding

Manitoba Hydro

Canola and China Anti-Dumping Investigation


Right to Repair

Policy Submissions

These documents have been submitted by KAP on various issues impacting Manitoba agriculture.

All Issues
2024 Provincial Budget2024The Government of Manitoba released its provincial budget in April 2024.KAP was involved in budget consultations and provided comments to the Minister of Finance regarding the upcoming budget. We highlighted six recommendations: remove the education property tax; increase investments in infrastructure; address the labor shortage; introduce right to repair legislation; …2024
2030 Biodiversity Strategy2023Since 1992 Canada has been a member of the Convention on Biological Diversity. During this time Canada has made commitments and developed strategies to achieve biological diversity goals. A few examples of this include the 2020 Biodiversity Goals and Targets and the 2006 Biodiversity Outcome Framework.The federal government announced in …2023
Agricultural Solutions to Climate Change Report2018KAP conducted a research project to better understand the effects climate change with have on growing conditions in Manitoba. Extensive interviews and stakeholder engagement were conducted as part of this research.The findings of the research highlight the opportunities and challenges that are expected with climate change. This can include the …2018
Agriculture Crown Land Leases and Permits Regulation Amendments2022In the past several years the agricultural crown lands leasing program has gone through a number of changes. The ag crown land leasing program is a key pillar in the success of livestock production in Manitoba.KAP has been engaged with the province and other stakeholders over the years regarding improvements …2022
AgriStability Improvements2020AgriStability is one of many tools farmers use to manage their risk on farm. Concerns with the program have centered around equity, complexity, timeliness and predictability.In November 2020 the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food presented a proposal to her provincial and territorial counterparts on improvements to AgriStability. The proposal included …2020
Amendments to the Grade Crossings Regulations2020In 2020 some farmers in Manitoba received letters from class 1 railways informing them of changes to the Grade Crossings Regulations. As a result of these regulatory changes class 1 railways were required to make upgrades to private grade crossings by November 27, 2021. Depending on the crossing these upgrades …2020
Anhydrous Ammonia2024Over the past few years, Transport Canada has been working on amending the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations. One of the proposed amendments would affect the transportation of anhydrous ammonia with farmer-owned nurse tanks. The proposed amendments would make it costlier for farmers to transport anhydrous ammonia while not improving …2024
Animal Care Regulation Amendments2023The Department of Agriculture is responsible for administering the Animal Care Regulation. This piece of regulation sets standards on acceptable care practices for animals in Manitoba.The proposed amendments remove redundancies and update acceptable care practice guidelines.KAP provided feedback to the department highlighting our support for the proposed amendments. Links Animal Care …2023
Business Risk Management Programs and Cross-Compliance2022In 2022 ministers in Canadian agriculture agreed to the concept of integrating environmental programs with business risk management programs.KAP believes there are challenges with integrating these programs together. We voiced this concern with Minister of Agriculture in a letter while offering assistance with rolling out a pilot project. Links Business …2022
Canada Grain Act Review Update2023The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) is the agency responsible for administrating the Canada Grain Act. The Canada Grain Act has gone through numerous changes over the years and the CGC launched a consultation review process of the Act beginning in January 2021. The CGC plays an important role in setting …2023
Canadian Grain Commission ‘Subject to’ Proposed Amendments2021The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) is the agency responsible for administrating the Canada Grain Act. The Canada Grain Act has gone through numerous changes over the years and the CGC launched a consultation review process of the Act beginning in January 2021. The CGC plays an important role in setting …2021
Canadian National Railway (CN) Grain Plan2022, 2023Amendments were made in 2018 to the Canada Transportation Act which require CN and Canadian Pacific Kansas City to produce an annual grain plan.KAP believes more data should be required in each grain plan. This would improve accountability and transparency within each document.KAP sent a letter in 2022 and 2023 …2022 2023
Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops – Code 2.02023The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops (CRSC)began consultations in 2020 on drafting a responsible grain code of practice. The CRSC conducted 24 consultation sessions and heard from hundreds of farmers across Canada. The feedback received was used to create a revised document called ‘Code 2.0’.KAP sent a letter to the CRSC …2023
CN/CPKC Labor Dispute2024Collective bargaining negotiations between CN, CPKC, and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference began in late 2023. Teamsters Canada Rail Conference represents 9000 railway workers at both CN and CPKC. The union voted in favor of a strike in May 2024, with a planned work stoppage occurring on May 22, 2024.Given the …2024
CUSMA Consultation2024The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement goes under a joint review in 2026. Global Affairs Canada launched a consultation and sought feedback from Canadians about the trade agreement.Manitoba producers rely heavily on agri-food exports to the United States with $4.53 billion in product shipped south in 2023. Our letter to Global Affairs …2024
Deadline Extension Request for BMP 503: Managing Livestock Access to Riparian Areas2021The 2021 drought across the prairies resulted in difficult conditions and challenges, particularly for livestock producers in Manitoba. During this time KAP worked with other livestock groups in Manitoba to address the concerns of the livestock industry.A large concern among livestock producers at this time involved dry dugouts and access …2021
Deemed Trust for Fresh Produce Sellers2021Producers growing produce in Canada operate in an environment of elevated risk when selling their product buyers. Currently, there is no protection in place for produce sellers to recoup any losses in the event a buyer becomes insolvent or bankrupt. In the United States there exists the Perishable Agricultural Commodities …2021
Disaster Financial Assistance Program2024In July 2024, the Government of Manitoba began a consultation on improving the Disaster Financial Assistance program. This cost-sharing program between the federal and provincial governments provides financial assistance to businesses, municipalities, farms, and individuals on uninsured losses resulting from natural disasters.The program provides important support to farmers in the …2024
Ecological Goods and Services and Agricultural Land Use in Manitoba Report2020KAP conducted a research project looking at the role ecological goods and services plays in production and land use decisions. Over the course of three months KAP interviewed producers and organizations across the province to receive a firsthand perspective of the important topic of ecological goods & services (EG&S) and …2020
Federal, Provincial, and Territorial Meeting – Whitehorse, Yukon2024Ministers of agriculture from the federal, provincial, and territorial governments met in Whitehorse, Yukon to discuss current issues affecting the sector. Before the meeting, Manitoba Agriculture sought feedback on key topics: grocery code of conduct, trade, animal disease preparedness and prevention, sustainable agriculture programs, and the pesticide management working group.KAP’s …2024
Feed Regulatory Modernization2021The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is undergoing a multi-year review process of the regulations it oversees. Part of this review includes amendments to the Feeds Regulations, 1983.The Feeds Regulations, 1983 is an extensive and technical document which outlines the tolerance and parameters of registered feed. This, in turn, helps …2021
Fertilizer Emissions Reduction Target2022In 2020 Environment and Climate Change Canada released ‘A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy’. This report outlined the government’s target of a 30% reduction in fertilizer emissions below 2020 levels by 2030.Fertilizer is an essential component in plant growth. There are concerns amongst farmers that a reduction in fertilizer …2022
Forage Establishment Insurance Annuals Option2021KAP provided feedback to the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation on its proposed forage establishment insurance annuals options. These proposals are part of a process MASC is undertaking to improve forage insurance offerings and increase enrolment. These actions are motivated – in part – from the release of the Manitoba Forage …2021
Front of Package Labelling2022The Government of Canada introduced a Healthy Eating Strategy in 2016 which included plans for front of package labelling. The front of package labelling is intended for products containing nutrients above a certain threshold. This includes sodium, sugars and saturated fat. The overall goal is to improve awareness of products …2022
International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada Strike2023On June 28, 2023,the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada issued a 72-hour strike notice. The 13-day strike that resulted impacted the loading and unloading of vessels along the west coast of British Columbia.The west coast ports, particularly the Port of Vancouver, play an important role in exporting agricultural product …2023
Manitoba Building Code Amendments2023Every five years the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes provides an updated National Building Code (NBC) that can be adopted by the provincial government. The current Manitoba Building Code incorporates the 2010 version of the National Building Code.The Minister of Labour and Immigration stated that the 2020 national …2023
Manitoba Expert Advisory Council – Emission Reduction Targets2022The Expert Advisory Council is part of the Department of Environment and Climate which provides recommendations to the minister regarding the Climate and Green Plan.KAP provided recommendations to the council regarding its carbon savings account emission reduction target for 2023-2027. Links Expert Advisory CouncilExpert Advisory Council and Emission Reduction Targets – …2022
Manitoba Shortline Railways2021Shortline railways are an important part of Manitoba’s transportation system.Operating and maintaining railways is extremely capital intensive. There exist limited public funds available geared towards shortlines. KAP brought up this issue with the Minister of Infrastructure highlighting the need for increased funding for shortlines. Links Shortline Rail – KAP LetterMinister …2021
Manitoba Water Action Plan2023The Department of Environment and Climate unveiled their water management strategy framework in November 2022. The framework outlined the goals of the department regarding water management.A few months later the department sought feedback from stakeholders in developing a water action plan. The goal of the action plan is to outline …2023
Netley-Grassmere-Willow Creek Integrated Watershed Management Plan2024Manitoba Environment and Climate Change sought feedback from stakeholders about updating the Netley-Grassmere-Willow Creek Integrated Watershed Management Plan.The plan covers a large area in the Interlake region, which contains thousands of acres of farmland.KAP provided feedback to the department and highlighted several recommendations: providing increased incentives to farmers, protecting farmland, improving …2024
Pest Control Products Regulations2023The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) oversees pesticide regulation in Canada. The agency plays an important role in determining which pesticides are approved for use in Canada along with setting maximum residue limits (MRL).The PMRA is currently undergoing a transformation process. Part of this process includes updating the Pest Control …2023
Planning Legislation Review2024In 2024, the provincial government began a consultation reviewing potential changes to planning and development legislation. The review looked at previous amendments made to the Planning Act and the City of Winnipeg Charter Act.KAP, Manitoba Beef Producers, and Manitoba Pork wrote a joint letter to government outlining our recommendations. Links …2024
Plant Breeders’ Rights Consultation2024The Canadian Food Inspection Agency undertook a consultation seeking feedback on proposed amendments to the Plant Breeders’ Rights Regulations. The Plant Breeders’ Rights Act and Regulations provide intellectual property rights to certain plant varieties.The CFIA proposed changes to farmers’ privilege involving horticulture and ornamental crop kinds, along with hybrid varieties. …2024
Port Modernization Review – Port of Vancouver2021The Port of Vancouver handles and exports a considerable amount of grain originating from Manitoba. In fact, 79 per cent of western Canadian grain was shipped through B.C ports in 2022/23.Timeliness and efficiency are required to move grain to world markets. The Port of Vancouver has consistently ranked near the …2021
Portioned Percentage – Property Tax2021Manitoba farmers continue to bear a large burden with the education property tax. Farms continue to grow in acres and property values continue to rise. This translates into higher property taxes for farmers.Besides advocating for the complete removal of the education property tax, KAP has also asked for relief through …2021
Proposed Changes to Circular 62022Circular 6 refers to the Canadian Regulations and Procedures for Pedigreed Seed Crop Production which is administered by the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association. The document is reviewed annually to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the agriculture sector.The regulations play an important role in setting crop specific standards …2022
Regulatory Modernization Bill2023The Government of Canada annually submits a regulatory modernization bill. The intent of this bill is to update federal regulatory requirements and while streamlining red tape.The federal government sought feedback regarding three topics: incorporation by reference, regulatory sandboxes and other legislative amendments.KAP provided feedback in support of expanding incorporation by reference …2023
Right to Repair Consultation2024Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada launched a right to repair consultation. The consultation follows Budget 2024’s announcement of developing a repairability policy.The right to repair is about the ability for farmers to fix their own products or using a third party without going to a dealership. KAP fully supports …2024
Routes: Trade and Commerce2021Farmers rely on an effective and efficient road network to market their commodities. In Manitoba there exists thousands of kilometers of highways consisting of various allowable maximum vehicle weights. The maximum allowable vehicle weight on RTAC highways in Manitoba is 63 500 kilograms.RTAC highways do cover the entire province which …2021
Safe Food for Canadians Act2024Every five years, the Safe Food for Canadians Act undergoes a review to assess the effectiveness of the legislation. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency administers the Act, which deals with the inspecting, labelling, advertising, importing, exporting, and licensing of food commodities.KAP provided comments to the CFIA and recommended the use of …2024
Seed Regulatory Modernization2023, 2024The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is undertaking a multi-year review of the Seeds Regulations. KAP has been part of this review process and sat as a member on the seed regulatory modernization working group.The Seeds Acts and its regulation protect the interests of both consumers and producers while ensuring …2023 2024
Spring Hunting Season Extension2022The destruction of crops by waterfowl continues to be a concern for Manitoba producers. In 2020, a total of 122 claims for waterfowl damage were filed with Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC). MASC paid over $385,000 in compensation for these waterfowl claims.In August 2021, KAP along with the Manitoba Wildlife …2022
The Animal Care Amendment Act (Bill 31)2023The Department of Agriculture is responsible for administering the Animal Care Act. This piece of regulation sets standards on acceptable care practices for animals in Manitoba.Bill 31 was introduced during the 42nd legislature. The amendments of the bill focused on the appeal process within the Act.KAP provided comments to the department …2023
The Animal Diseases Amendment Act and The Petty Trespasses Amendment and Occupiers’ Liability Amendment Act2020Manitoba farmers live in rural areas and may be located a significant distance from the nearest police station. In areas of the province crime has been increasing which has been a significant concern for Manitoba farmers.KAP believes farmers have the right to feel safe and secure on their property.In early …2020
The Fuel Tax Amendment Act (Bill 3)2023The Government of Manitoba announced and presented the Fuel Tax Amendment Act in November 2023. These amendments would temporarily reduce the tax levied on gasoline, diesel and natural gas for motor vehicles beginning on January 1, 2024.KAP raised concerns to government regarding these amendments. Although the amendments permitted producers with farm …2023
The State of Rural Cell and Internet Service in Manitoba Report2020Manitoba farmers are highly dependent on a well functioning and available wireless network. Sporadic and unavailable wireless service in rural Manitoba can impact a producer’s business as well as their health and safety. As agricultural becomes more digitalized the demand for wireless networks will increase in rural Manitoba.KAP conducted a …2020
Unfunded Manitoba Students at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine2023There currently exists no post-secondary facility in Manitoba to train students in veterinarian medicine. As a result, students receive training at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. An interprovincial agreement exists which allocates 20 subsidized seats for Manitoba students.The Government of Manitoba announced in 2023 …2023
Veterinary Shortage in Manitoba2022There currently exists no post-secondary facility in Manitoba to train students in veterinarian medicine. As a result, students receive training at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. An interprovincial agreement exists which allocates 15 subsidized seats for Manitoba students.In Manitoba – and elsewhere throughout Canada …2022
Wildlife Damage Compensation Program Eligibility– Livestock Predation2021Damage caused by wild animals on Manitoba farms is a continued concern for Manitoba producers. In 2020, producers made 2869 insurance claims related to big game and livestock predation.Currently, the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation provides compensation on damages to livestock, however not all livestock species or predators are covered under …2021
Wildlife Damage Compensation Program Eligibility– Waterfowl Damage2021The destruction of crops by waterfowl continues to be a concern for Manitoba producers. In 2020, a total of 122 claims for waterfowl damage were filed with Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC). MASC paid over $385,000 in compensation for these waterfowl claims.In Saskatchewan, insurance offered by the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance …2021